fr-facade-finition-nez-de-dalle-dallnet-goutte-deau-modele-50-3d_555164397Dallnet G 50dallnet-goutte-eau-rejet-facade-balcon-ruissellement-protection-revetement-salissure-coulure-corniche-fissuration-salissures-larmier-infiltration-ecartementDallnet G 50
  Dallnet G is a system to keep rainwater away from an external wall, slab edge or balcony edge. It protects the external wall finishes and delays or prevents damage to the construction (spalling, cracking, etc.). Dallnet G pattern 50 is equipped with a joint backing. It prevents water from ...Read more
Type Public price Quantity
Total 0,00 €
Select finish:
8,01 € per linear meter
Junction piece
1,08 € each
External angle
6,93 € each
Internal angle
6,93 € each
Pair of end pieces
7,99 € per pair
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Product description


Dallnet G is a system to keep rainwater away from an external wall, slab edge or balcony edge. It protects the external wall finishes and delays or prevents damage to the construction (spalling, cracking, etc.).

Dallnet G pattern 50 is equipped with a joint backing. It prevents water from running down and dirtying the external wall or slab edge. It protects the external wall facings at the top.

Color chart Made in France

Technical specifications

Technical specifications

Dallnet G 50
3-meter bar
20 mm
50 mm
Drills Ø7 mm, Stanchion distance 675 mm
0.29 kg/ml
External and Internal angle sleeve, Junction sleeve, End pieces
3 working days for mill finish, 10 working days for powder-coated or anodised finish

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Installation instructions (FR): Cross-section (FR): Documentation (EN): BIM:

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